Our Story
We beheld the power unleashed by the people in the wake of George Floyd's murder in Minneapolis. We saw institutions that felt so everlastingly oppressive crumble in weeks, and yet, in Lower Bucks, what's changed? Thousands marched in Bristol to protest racism and inequality, but the political establishment—Democrat and Republican alike—has failed to meet the moment.
Lower Bucks for Change was founded in May 2020 to actualize the values of the BLM movement in Lower Bucks, Pennsylvania. We're fighting to increase access to mental health and addiction services, expand the public school curriculum and address racism in our schools, reduce our reliance on policing, and to end economic and racial inequality.
Since formation
Hosted a community meeting
Met with the Bristol Township Social Studies Department
Attended Bensalem’s Democratic Committee town hall to hear how they’re responding to BLM demands
Submitted a letter and public comment to the Bucks County Commissioners in support of diversionary programs for our friends undergoing mental health crises
Sat down with State Representative Tina Davis to discuss carceral reform
Hosted a town hall to discuss racism in Bristol Township School District
Produced research on local police spending and township budgets
Attended two Bristol Township Council meetings to advocate for police reform
LB4C fervently believes in the democratic system. All of our members have equal input and power regardless of your available involvement.
Right now, we're focused on school reform, decarceration, and health care reform, emphasizing the important class and racial intersections throughout and between systems.